May 27, 2022, 8:00 PM


US' Biden tries to preserve some Trump-era sanctions on Iran

US' Biden tries to preserve some Trump-era sanctions on Iran

TEHRAN, May 27 (MNA) – Russia's Permanent Representative to the Vienna-based International Organizations said that the US President Biden’s administration tries to preserve some sanctions imposed by former US President Donald Trump against Iran.

 In a tweet on Friday, Mikhail Ulyanov wrote, “The #ViennTalk on #JCPOA remain on hold for 2.5 months. Looks like the #US tries to preserve some #sanctions imposed by D. Trump in #Iran.”

“#Washington needs to demonstrate a more constructive and businesslike approach if is really committed to nuclear #nonproliferation,” he added.

Negotiations to remove anti-Iranian sanctions in Vienna have been stalled for about two months. Since the beginning of the talks, the US government has repeatedly tried to accuse other JCPOA parties of slowing down and obstructing the talks, instead of proposing practical initiatives to advance the talks.

One of the reasons for the failure of the American parties to take the necessary steps in the Vienna talks is the opposition of US congresspersons to the Biden administration's policies regarding JCPOA.


News ID 187249


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